$5 million verdict in Medical Malpractice case

Cumberland County Superior Court, Portland, Maine. In 2018, Joshua Desjardins of Bowdoinham went to the Mid Coast Hospital Walk in Clinic in Brunswick, ME with warning signs of a life-threatening condition. A BlueWater medical provider working at the Mid Coast Hospital Walk In Clinic overlooked those warning signs and, as a result, Josh’s illness progressed to the point that he suffered numerous strokes and required 31 days of life support.  Though Josh survived, the medical negligence has left him with life-altering injuries. The jury awarded Josh $5M as part of a unanimous verdict that found Mid Coast Hospital of Brunswick, Maine was liable for the medical negligence of BlueWater Emergency Partners of Maine.  The award compensates Josh for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and permanent injuries caused by the misdiagnosis.

This is the first civil jury trial in Cumberland County since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic.