Portland Press Herald interviews attorney Jodi Nofsinger about self defense laws

Jodi Nofsinger, an attorney with the Berman & Simmons law firm, was interviewed by the Portland Press Herald this week as an expert source on self defense laws in Maine.

The story by Press Herald reporter David Hench focused on a case in which a man shot an intruder in his apartment in Rockland. Here’s an excerpt:

Jodi Nofsinger, an attorney with Berman & Simmons, said there’s a chance Lembo could face criminal prosecution.

“I would assume they’re going to investigate the legality of his actions. This is a unique situation in Maine,” said Nofsinger, who successfully helped defend Portland resident Sabato Raia after he was accused of fatally shooting three men who came to his house following a heated argument in 1997.

She said that in Raia’s case, the state’s key challenge was proving that Raia was not in fear of serious injury.

“The self-defense statute requires that essentially the state prove that he wasn’t acting with a reasonable belief his life was in imminent danger,” she said.

Nofsinger represents plaintiffs who have been harmed — financially, physically, or otherwise — by the conduct of another. She specializes in complex medical malpractice lawsuits. She is also known for her work with the ACLU on civil rights cases, such as the suit brought on behalf of transgender student Nicole Maines.

In 2014, Nofsinger became only the 22nd trial lawyer in Maine — and only the third woman — inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Fellowship is extended to trial lawyers who are master advocates for their clients, and whose careers are distinguished by the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.